Beauty Breakdown: BB Creams

20 Aug

Hey Girls!

I’m sure you’ve all noticed how huge of a trend BB Creans have become in the beauty curcit lately. It seems as though almost every brand from prestige cosmetics to drugstore brands have been jumping on the BB bandwagon. This product was originally created in Asia, and is an all in one beauty product: primer, foundation, powder, and SPF. Girls overseas went crazy after beauty’s newest innovation, and the trend eventually found its way into the US. While orinigal BB Creams really only come in one color, most American brands have multiple shades to choose from. I have personally never tried a BB cream before, but am very anxious to do so. With so many formulas and colors, everyone is sure to find the perfect cream for them.

What are your girls favorites? Let me know so I can try the trend out for myself!



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