Retail Therapy: Kohls

1 Sep


Hey Girls!

Time to let you know another one of my most favorite places to shop. This might come as a shock to some, but Kohls is up there on my list of go to stores. The reason for this is simple, the LC by Lauren Conrad line of clothes.

If you know me, then you probably know how much I admire and idolize Lauren Conrad. I just think she is so well put together and has really done well making a name and career for herself. On top of that, she is GORGEOUS, and has the  epitome of perfect style in my eyes. In my opinion, the girl has it all, including an awesome line of clothes, shoes, and accessories. I’ve never actually seen a piece from her collection that I didn’t like, which makes shopping at Kohls so much harder. On top of that, everything is at a completely reasonable price. I wish I could literally buy everything. Yes, EVERYTHING.

So there you have it, the reason I love Kohls so much. Below are some pieces I’ve recently been dying over from her fall collection. Let me know what you guys think!






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