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Abercrombie Candles

14 Sep


Alright girls, so Abercrombie and Fitch isn’t really selling candles, but Bath and Body works has one out now that smells EXACTLY like the Abercrombie stores! The scent is called Mahogany Teakwood, and BABW describes it as “The scents of fine woods – mahogany, cedar, and oak highlighted by delicate lavender and geranium notes.” To me, it just smells like a really good guys cologne, though.

I am constantly burning my Mahogany Teakwood candle, and has a wall scent plugged in as well. The scent is clean and musky, and is truly perfect for fall. I can’t see myself tiring of this anytime soon!

Bath and Body Works Candles are currently 2 for $20, so get them cheap while you can! Why wouldn’t you want your room smelling just as delicious as the Abercrombie stores? (and cute boys!)

Enjoy Girls!








OOTD: Summer Barbecue

9 Sep


Hey Girls!

I went to a little barbecue today, and was totally feelin my outfit. Just wanted to show you all what I like to wear when I want to look casual but still put together. What do you girls like to wear to summer outings like this? Let me know!



Skirt: Forever 21

Tank Top: Aerie

Belt: Urban Outfitters

Sandals: American Eagle Outfitters




Courage <3

8 Sep

Just a little late night inspiration for you girls. This quote really inspires me to take chances, and to have the courage and drive to achieve all that I want to. Enjoy and happy Saturday!




Beauty Breakdown: Bare Minerals Flawless Definition Volumizing Mascara

7 Sep

Hey Girls!

I’ve always been one to say that high-end mascaras are a waste of money when the drugstore versions work just as well in my opinion. I think it’s always important to remember that there are certain things that are worth the extra money. Face makeup is one, mascara is not. With that being said, I decided to try out a sample of the Bare Minerals Flawless Definition  Volumizing Mascara that I received in my Sephora lash stash this past Christmas. I was skeptical because, believe it or not, I haven’t really liked any of the mascaras in this sampler. But the Bare Minerals mascara definitely blew my mind.

First off, I love the consistency of this mascara. Wetter formulas work best for me since I love lots of volume, and this one is perfect without being messy. The brush has tons of bristles that make it easy to coat every single lash, and I love how defined my lashes look after using it. This mascara allows me to put on several coats to achieve my super full lashes without looking clumpy at all. Overall? I love this mascara and give it five starts for delivering on every aspect that it said it would. I think it’s safe to say I’ve found my new holy grail!

You can get this mascara for $18 USD at Sephora. A little steep, I know, but definitely worth the money. Let me know if you girls try it out. Enjoy!



Fall Must Haves!

3 Sep

Hey Girls,

It was requested the other day by my friend Vania (weekdayswithv) that I do a fall must haves post. Seeing as I already did one of these for summer on a friends blog, I found the request very fitting and appropriate. Thanks for the idea, Vania! I hope all you girls enjoy!

Make Up For Ever HD foundation

$42 USD

Fall time means saying bye-bye to tinted moisturizer and hello to a more full coverage foundation. This one gives amazing coverage while still being lightweight and breathable. It comes in tons of color options too, so its easy to find your exact foundation match. Definitely a most loved product of mine!

Urban Decay Naked and Naked 2 palettes

About $50 USD

It’s probably no surprise to you girls that these palettes are getting love in today’s post. They are simply amazing! While one of these palettes might be enough for some, being me, I had to have and include both. I’m a neutral shadow junkie so nothing compares in my eyes. Between the two, you’ll have every brown and beige color imaginable to create the perfect fall eye.

MAC blush in Plum Foolery

$20 USD

Put away your bright corals and hot pinks from summer, fall is all about the plums. I love this blush because of its awesome pigmentation, and the way it looks s natural and effortless on my cheeks. It’s the perfect wearable plum color, and gives your skin the perfect fall time flush.

Sephora by OPI nail polish in Metro Chic

$9.50 USD

As most of you know, I am all about nail polish, and am always buying and trying every nail color out there. I found this shade last fall, and I know I’ll be sporting it often this year as well. I love the combination of grey and purple that this color is, and feel as though it’s a great neutral color for fall that can really go with anything.

DKNY Be Delicious Green Apple Perfume

$65 USD for 1.7 Fl Oz.

There’s not much to say about this scent, other than it’s actually AMAZING! I always look forward to pulling this out when the weather starts to get cooler, and love love LOVE the way it smells. The apple scent is so clean and sophisticated, while being a little playful at the same time. A little of the perfume goes a long way, and the scent lingers for a pretty long time.This truely is a fall time classic. I’m already on my third bottle!

There you have it, girls. These are just a few of my favorite products for fall. Let me know what you guys are loving this year, and leave any suggestions down below!



Retail Therapy: Kohls

1 Sep


Hey Girls!

Time to let you know another one of my most favorite places to shop. This might come as a shock to some, but Kohls is up there on my list of go to stores. The reason for this is simple, the LC by Lauren Conrad line of clothes.

If you know me, then you probably know how much I admire and idolize Lauren Conrad. I just think she is so well put together and has really done well making a name and career for herself. On top of that, she is GORGEOUS, and has the  epitome of perfect style in my eyes. In my opinion, the girl has it all, including an awesome line of clothes, shoes, and accessories. I’ve never actually seen a piece from her collection that I didn’t like, which makes shopping at Kohls so much harder. On top of that, everything is at a completely reasonable price. I wish I could literally buy everything. Yes, EVERYTHING.

So there you have it, the reason I love Kohls so much. Below are some pieces I’ve recently been dying over from her fall collection. Let me know what you guys think!






Sephora Love <3

27 Aug

Hey Girls!

In my social media marketing class at school today, we had a live Twitter chat where we all asked beauty related questions, and answered each others! It was a really fun way to interact with my classmates, and who doesn’t like tweeting IN CLASS as part of an assignment?! One of the questions asked was where everyone liked to shop for their makeup products the most. The overwhelming response was no suprise in my book…SEPHORA!


Sephora is definitely my go to beauty store, and I could spend hours upon hours in there if I had the chance to. Having so many great beauty brands right at my fingertips is something that I love since I am such a beauty enthusiest. It’s like I’m a kid in the candy store every time I step in one. Gotta hand it to you Sephora, you have one amazing store!

Where do you guys like to shop for your beauty products? Let me know!



Food and Makeup?

24 Aug

Hey Girls!

I was just on and saw this awesome post that incorporated portion control and beauty products! Seriously genius. Forget about you piece of meat being the size of a deck of cards, a 6 pan eyeshadow pallete makes MUCH more sense in my opinion. The other examples they came up with were just as cute and clever. Check it out for yourself. Do you guys have any other ideas that incorporate food and beauty? Let me know!



Crazy Color

23 Aug

Hey Girls!

I was looking for some inspiration tonight, just to get my mind flowing. I ended up finding this gorgeous photo with some really beautiful and unique makeup. All the colors are so amazing! I am totally a natural makeup girl and I prefer my brown eyeshadow and peachy glosses, but this picture has really inspired me to step out of my comfort zone. I am definitely going to start experimenting with some of the more crazy colors. What do you girls think? Do you like colorful makeup? Let me know down below!



Beauty Breakdown: BB Creams

20 Aug

Hey Girls!

I’m sure you’ve all noticed how huge of a trend BB Creans have become in the beauty curcit lately. It seems as though almost every brand from prestige cosmetics to drugstore brands have been jumping on the BB bandwagon. This product was originally created in Asia, and is an all in one beauty product: primer, foundation, powder, and SPF. Girls overseas went crazy after beauty’s newest innovation, and the trend eventually found its way into the US. While orinigal BB Creams really only come in one color, most American brands have multiple shades to choose from. I have personally never tried a BB cream before, but am very anxious to do so. With so many formulas and colors, everyone is sure to find the perfect cream for them.

What are your girls favorites? Let me know so I can try the trend out for myself!

