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OOTD: Maxi Dress

19 Aug

Hey Girls!

Time for another quick outfit of the day! I am so in love with my new maxi dress, and it was perfect for running errands and having lunch in Beverly Hills! I know the maxi dress trend has been around for a while now, but I am just now finding myself get into it. I love how effortless they are, but how put together you can look! Totally chic. Do you guys still rock the maxi trend? Let me know!



Dress: DC

Belt: Forever 21

Bag: Urban Outfitters

Sunglasses: See Eyewear

Retail Therapy: Brandy Melville

16 Aug

Hey Girls!

I was shopping around Santa Monica the other day, (my favorite!) and was trying to think of a fun little series to start for my blog. I wanted something different from beauty just to break things up a tad, so I decided a shopping series would be a nice change. Retail Therapy is what I came up with! In these posts, I will introduce some of my favorite places to shop, as well as a few of my favorite pieces from each store as well. This way, you girls can better see my own personal style, and I can give you a little shopping inspiration.

First store? My absolute FAVORITE place to shop, Brandy Melville. What makes this store unique is that everything, with the exception of some of their shorts and pants, are one size fits all. The store is filled with loose and flowy shirts and skirts, than almost anyone can rock. I love how each piece can look unique on different body types, and this method gives the clothes a carefree and beachy feel.

I also love Brandy Melville for there jewelry. I come here to find original and interesting pieces, for a very small price. They have a huge selection of layering bracelets which I am currently obsessed with, as well as the coolest chunky rings I can find. I love the fact that no matter what your style is, you can find some awesome accessories to compliment any outfit.

Brandy Melville has a ton of locations in the Los Angeles Area including the third street promenade in Santa Monica, as well as Topanga, and even one in Newport Beach. This store really does offer some of the best, most unique pieces I can find, and the best part is, I don’t have to break the bank. Tops range anywhere from about $10 to $30, and most pants are under $45. Almost every single piece of jewelry is under $10 as well. To sum it up, I have fallen so in love with Brandy Melville that I constantly have to remind myself to expand out of just one store. It’s just the best!

What do you girls think of Brandy Melville? Let me know in the comments below, and look out for more retail therapy blogs coming soon!



A Girl Can Dream..

13 Aug

Talk about the most perfect place to do hair and makeup in the mornings… What does your dream vanity look like? Let me know and happy Monday girls!



Beauty Breakdown: Revlon Lip Butters

13 Aug

Hey Girls!

For todays post, I decided it was finally time to announce my love for Revlon Lip Butters! I picked my first tube of this lipstick up about 4 months ago at Ulta because of all the hype going around about them. I wasn’t quite sure these lipsticks would be any different from the rest but I was definitely wrong! I have never used a smoother, more moisturizing lipstick ever! The color payoff is great too. You can sheer any color out for day, or build up the intensity for night with ease. I also love the selection of this amazing lipstick. There are 20 shades in the collection ranging from nudes, to bubble gum pink, to deep and sultry reds and berries. You can purchase these lipsticks at most drug stores, as well as Ulta. At about $7 UDS a tube, you can’t really go wrong for such a great lipstick. Below are a few of my favorite shades. Try them out and let me know what you think! I know you’ll all fall in love just like I did!




Strawberry Shortcake


Peach Parfait


Cotton Candy

OOTN: Dinner with OD Makeup!

10 Aug

Hey Girls!

Last night I was in Santa Monica for dinner with my good friend and fellow blogger, Olivia Danielle ( and I decided it would be fun to show you girls my outfit! It was such a beautiful day in LA yesterday that even by the water at night, I could get away with this light, easy look. Let me know what you guys think, and show me your OOTN as well!




Top: BP by Nordstom’s

High Wasted Shorts: LC Lauren Conrad

Belt: Forever 21

Sandals: Forever 21

Bag: Urban Outfitters

Beauty Breakdown: Lush BIG shampoo

9 Aug

Hey Girls!

I was recently shopping in Santa Monica when I decided to pick up my very first tub of BIG shampoo from Lush to see what all the hype was about. I’m sure most of you have seen the slimy, yet chunky (gross, I know) liquid, or at least have heard about what this shampoo containing salt can do for your hair. I must say that after using this product for a little over a month now, I am completely IN LOVE with it, and I know it will be a part of my hair routine for a long time to come. 

Image: google images

Lush says on their website that this is a “Body building shampoo for big hair and loads of shine. Made with over 50% sea salt, BIG is our most effective shampoo for hair in need of a boost to turn it into sexy, bouncing hair. Full of minerals, sea salt de-greases hair, removing dead skin cells and dirt, without stripping natural oils. The lift comes from debris being lifted from the roots of the hair for major oomph. Plus, we’ve mixed in extra virgin coconut oil, and avocado butter for added softness. Your hair will be bouncing back to life.”

Image: google images

I will admit that I was slightly apprehensive about this product. I have naturally dry, wavy hair that has been processed countless times, and is regularly styled using heat products. I was sure that the salt in BIG would further dry out my hair, and leave me with a mess to work with. I was pleasantly surprised to find though that not only did my hair have an amazing amount of volume, but also it was the softest it had been in years! It can, however, be a tad heavy for my slightly finer hair. In this case, I simply mix BIG with a normal shampoo, and viola! Perfect results every single time. 

Image: google images

You can buy BIG shampoo for $24.99 in stores or on I know this product is on the pricier side, but trust me you will not be disappointed! Let me know if you ladies try BIG out. I hope you all love it just as much as I do!

